Through our deep analysis
with clear perspective,
we will always tackle
the root of problems.

Through our
deep analysis
with clear perspective,
we will always tackle
the root of problems.

About JERI

Japan Economic Research Institute a research and consulting arm of Development Bank of Japan.

One of the earliest economic think-tanks in postwar Japan and always half a step ahead of the times.
Now, as a research and consulting arm of Development Bank of Japan Inc., JERI brings to DBJ Group an earned reputation as the most reliable provider of advisory services to both public- and private-sector clients.
Since DBJ's conception as a public entity, the four elements comprising its DNA—long-term perspective, neutrality, public-mindedness and trust—have been a source of institutional pride. Today's DBJ Group recognizes this inheritance as a source of strength.

JERI's Network
Internal Network
Development Bank of Japan The Japan Economic Research Institute
External Network
Private enterprise
Law firm Accountancy firm Economic organization Private enterprise
Academic organization
Colleges and Universities Research institute economic organization Accomplished researcher
Central and local Government
The Japanese Government Local Governments Government-Related Regional think tanks
International organization
International organization Foreign embassy in Japan Diplomatic establishments abroad Foreign Government-Related Institution Foreign local consultant


Research and Consulting

Provide a panoply of research, consulting, advisory and other services in the public,
business solution and international sectors.